Best Ccw Pistols - With so many handguns on the market, how can anyone effectively sift through the options to decide which guns are worth the price?
He has a passionate opinion on what is the best handgun for concealed carry. With more new gun owners entering the ranks of armed Americans and a desperate need to keep ourselves safe, we wanted to take a look at which guns you know are worth more than their lead weight.
Best Ccw Pistols
Before a pandemic, we looked at holster sales for both handguns and semi-autos over the past 10 months to see which guns people were surveying. Next, we asked our customers, industry partners and employees to see which firearm they believe is the most concealable, reliable and affordable handgun on the market today!
Top Performing & Concealable 1911 Sub Compact 9mm Pistols
First things first – even though they didn't quite make the list, the Mossberg MC1sc got .5% of the vote and the Taurus 856 polled .6% of the vote, both earning honorable mentions.
Capacity: 6+1 / 7+1 / 8+1 Sights: 3-dot, adjustable rear sight
The Police Pistol Slim is a polymer-framed, single-action, striker-fired handgun. Even though it's been around for over a decade, it's still an excellent choice for a concealed handgun.
Upon its release, the PPS series transformed the industry by introducing a single polymer steel concealed carry pistol, effectively setting a trend that remains popular to this day. Walther's updated PPS M2 took the gun to the next level, offering a flush-fit 6-round mag as well as longer 7- and 8-round magazines, switching from a paddle-style mag release on the trigger guard to another mag release. Traditional. The button on the frame, as well as keeping one of the most popular features - the striker indicator.
Tiny But Mighty: 5 Best Micro 9mm Pistols For Concealed Carry
With so many handguns to choose from, the Glock 26 placed seventh on the list and received 4.5% of the total votes received. Nicknamed the "Baby Glock," the G26 is an excellent choice for concealed carry.
Since its release in 1994, the Glock 26 has been one of the most popular concealed carry pistols with a 10-round magazine capacity, reversible magazine release, interchangeable backstraps and improved frame texture for solid control regardless of pistol size.
The iconic Smith & Wesson Airweight is a powerful little revolver with a 5.6% vote share. One of the most popular wheelguns for concealed carry, the S&W Airweights are a J-frame line with a scandium-free aluminum alloy frame.
Airweight comes in several models, including 37, 38, 42, 427, 637, and 642, but no matter which one you choose, it's hard to go wrong with a J-Frame from Smith & Wesson!
Additional California Ccw Gun Add On Or Modification Qualification
The Bull is the second G2C handgun to make the list with 6.3% of the votes in our poll!
The Taurus G2c series is designed specifically for everyday carry – and it delivers. With a streamlined, ergonomic design and rugged composite polymer frame, the G2c handles well even shooting cheap bullets, has a nice tight grip, looks great and has an attractive MSRP.
Released in 2019, the popular Springfield Hellcat took sixth place on our list with 6.8% of your votes. Continuing to grow in popularity, the Hellcat quickly gave the SIG P365 a run for its money! After months of sticking lead and carrying it consistently, the Springfield Hellcat is worthy of being a daily carry firearm. Compact, class-leading, reliable, easy-to-use, and affordable, the hardest decision you'll ever make is to bring!
Springfield also offers the Hellcat in Optical Sight Pistol (OSP™) configuration with a ground slide to accept the smallest and most common micro red dots on the market.
The Best 22 Lr Handguns For Concealed Carry
8.1% of you voted for the small Ruger snap LC9. The Ruger LC9 was the follow-up to their successful .380 auto handgun, the Lightweight Compact Pistol, or LCP. Although the LC9s have been superseded by Ruger, the LC9 is still very popular among concealed carriers.
Springfield XDs earned 9.2% of your votes, placing in the top five. As far as concealed firearms go, the XD has unspoken fans. Certainly, one of the main driving forces behind the popularity of the XD-S is the market demand for smaller and thinner caliber pistols. Springfield could have rechambered the existing 45 ACP XD-S Mod.2 in 9mm, which is often the case in the firearms industry. Instead, they designed a new version around the 9mm round, allowing it to be packaged in a smaller frame with a thinner profile.
This single 9mm pistol is highly concealable, accurate and easy to carry in a variety of settings. With a tight grip, the XDs don't produce too much recoil or muzzle rise, making them an excellent choice for carry and shooting!
With 10.5% of the votes, the Glock 43 is the second model on our list. The G43's super compact size, as a 9mm pistol, is its main selling point. Small enough for pocket carry yet comfortable in a CBI, it has excellent ergonomics, a firm grip, and seems to chew up and spit out a wide variety of bullets. Very impressive for a handgun of its size!
Concealed Carry Corner: The Evolution Of Micro Carry Guns The Firearm Blog
Time, significant ammunition usage, and great ease of concealment have determined the G43 to be the perfect gun for anyone to carry.
Price: $599.99 MSRP/$499.99 via
Surprisingly, SIG P365 was second and first runner-up with 21.9% of the vote! This close-to-pocket 9mm holds 10+1 rounds and gained a huge following right out of the gate. The P365 also has a factory 12-round magazine that extends the gun's length by just a hair to nearly double the Glock 43 capacity.
The X-Ray3 has excellent day and night sights, a light crisp trigger break, a short reset and a very comfortable grip. The P365 is fun to shoot, easy to carry and easy to rack.
Best Single Stack Subcompact 9mms [concealed Carry]
A double steel capacity firearm in a single stock body from an industry leader like SIG? There is no thinker.
Who took first place in our poll of the most affordable, reliable and concealable handguns on the market today?!
A million shield owners can't be wrong! Withstanding the test of time and taking the top spot in one vote on our list of the most reliable, visible and affordable handguns on the market, the Smith & Wesson M&P9 Shield is timeless!
The M&P Shield is an easy-to-conceal pistol that offers professional-grade features with simple operation and reliable performance day and night. With a solid grip, crisp trigger, short reset, easy sighting, fun to shoot and an extremely affordable price, the Shield is one of America's most popular carry guns.
Top Ten .45 Caliber Concealed Carry Pistols
It was a tight poll, but in the end, the top three firearms earned 54.5% of the votes cast!
Are these guns in your top 10 most visible, reliable and affordable guns on the market? Do you carry one of the guns on our list? How long have you been carrying it and what do you like most about it?
Do you think these trends have changed since the pandemic? Maybe we should do another poll...what do you think??
Jenn Jacques is a 2A fierce defender, concealed carry instructor, fishing enthusiast, avid hiker, hunter, and big guns. As a former private detective, Jen put those skills to good use, fighting for gun rights in her home state of Wisconsin before becoming the first female editor of the 2A/Gun News website and becoming a popular multimedia columnist. Guest, and respected news expert.
Best Glock For Concealed Carry
Jacques has hundreds of hours of firearms training under her gun belt including USCCA Street Encounters and Low Light/No Light Training, is a graduate of the Gunsite Academy and is designated as a S.A.F.E. NSSF ChildSafe Project Local Firearms Safety Summer Champion.
A mainstay in the firearms industry since 2009, Jen is proud to have raised her three children with John, an avid hunter, 2A supporter and wonderful father.
©MTC Holsters, LLC and CrossBreed Holsters Blog, 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this content without the express and written permission of the author and/or owner of this site is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used provided full and clear credit is given to Jenn Jacques and the CrossBreed Blog, with appropriate and specific guidance to the source material.
Tags: handguns, concealed carry, IWB, holster, hybrid holster, self defense, genjack, edc, everyday carry, handgun, concealed carry gun holster, inside belt, ccp, ccw, concealed carry gun, Handgun for Concealed Carry Handgun Safety, Most Comfortable Holsters, Concealed Carry Moose, Self Defense Ammo, Self Defense Handguns, Affordable and Visible These are the hottest and best concealed carry guns on the market. Thousands of our customers have chosen this pistol over other concealed handguns on the market. These are the best concealed carry guns with the most Kydex orders at Clinger Holsters.
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